Patient Rights and Responsibilities
An expert in the field, at your service for your health!
Private Istanbul Şafak Hospital
Patient Rights
Utilizing with Justice and Equity
The patient can benefit from health services in accordance with their needs, including activities to promote healthy living within the framework of justice and equity principles, and preventive health services. This right includes the obligations of all institutions and organizations providing health services and the personnel involved in health services to provide services in accordance with the principles of justice and equity.

Private Istanbul Şafak Hospital
Patient Rights
Request for Information
The patient may request information on how to benefit from health services. This right includes which health institution can be used under which conditions, all kinds of services and services provided by health institutions and organizations. It also includes the right to learn what the opportunity is and to benefit from the health services provided in the institution applied for.
Choosing and Changing the Health Institution
Patients have the right to choose the health institution and institution and to benefit from the health service provided in the health institution of their choice, provided that the procedures and conditions stipulated by the legislation to which they are subject are complied with. The patient can change the health institution provided that it is in accordance with the referral system determined by the legislation. However, it is essential that the patient is informed by the physician about whether changing the institution will cause life-threatening danger and whether the disease will worsen, and that there is no medical objection to changing the health institution in terms of life-threatening.
Identification, Selection and Change of Personnel
Provided that the procedures determined by the legislation are followed, the patient can freely choose the personnel who will provide health care to him, change the physician dealing with his treatment, and consult other physicians. When the right to choose the personnel, change the doctor and request consultation is exercised, the difference in wages determined by the legislation is borne by the patient using these rights.
Request to Determine the Order of Priority
To request that the patient’s right of priority be determined objectively and based on medical criteria, in cases where the health service demand cannot be met on time due to insufficient or limited service opportunities of the health institution Provisions of the relevant legislation shall be applied in determining the priority order regarding emergency and judicial cases, the elderly and the disabled.
Diagnosis, Treatment and Care in Compliance with Medical Requirements
The patient has the right to be diagnosed, treated and cared for in accordance with the requirements of modern medical knowledge and technology.
Prohibition of Intervention Except for Medical Necessities
Nothing can be done that could cause death or life-threatening or violate bodily integrity or reduce mental or physical strength without the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or prevention. and cannot be demanded.
Prohibition of Euthanasia
The right to life cannot be waived for medical reasons or for any reason whatsoever. No one’s life can be ended, even at the request of one’s own or someone else’s.
Observing Medical Care
Staff pays medical attention to the patient’s condition. Even if it is not possible to save the patient’s life or preserve his health, it is imperative to try to reduce or relieve the patient’s suffering.
Reviewing Records
The patient can review the file and records containing information about his/her health status, directly or through his/her representative or legal representative, and take a copy. These records are only available to the patient. visible to those directly involved in the treatment.
Requesting the Correction of Records
Patient; the completion, disclosure, correction and final health status and personal status of incomplete, ambiguous and erroneous medical and personal information in the records of health institutions and organizations. may require it to be adjusted.
Prohibition of Providing Information
Except when required by the provisions of the relevant legislation and/or the measures to be taken by the competent authorities, the person may request that his/her relatives or no one be informed about his/her health status. In this case, the person’s decision is written. ac is taken. The patient can change the request not to provide information at any time and request that information be provided.
Respecting Privacy
Respecting the privacy of the patient is essential. The patient can also openly demand that his privacy be protected. All kinds of medical interventions are performed by respecting the privacy of the patient.
Non-Consent Medical Surgery
Except for the exceptions set out in the law, no one may be subjected to medical surgery without their consent and in a way that is not in accordance with their consent.
Confidentiality of Information
Information obtained due to the provision of health services cannot be disclosed in any way, except as permitted by law.
Refusal and Stopping Treatment
The patient has the right to refuse the treatment planned or to be applied to him or to request that it be stopped, except in cases where it is legally obligatory and at the patient’s responsibility for the negative consequences that may arise. In this case, the consequences of not applying the treatment should be explained to the patient or his/her legal representatives or relatives and a written document showing this should be obtained.
Ensuring Security
Everyone has the right to expect and demand to be safe in health institutions and organizations. All health institutions and organizations are obliged to take the necessary measures to protect and ensure the safety of life and property of patients and their relatives, such as visitors and companions.
Fulfilling Religious Obligations and Benefiting from Religious Services
Necessary measures are taken to enable patients to freely fulfill their religious duties within the possibilities of health institutions and organizations.
Respecting Human Values and Visiting
Patients have the right to benefit from health services in accordance with their personal values and in an environment. Acceptance of patient visitors is in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by the institution or organization. It is carried out appropriately and in a way that does not cause acts and attitudes that will disturb the peace and tranquility of the patients, and necessary measures are taken in this regard.
Having a Companion
To assist the patient during the examination and treatment, the accompanying person may be appointed to the extent permitted by the legislation and institutional facilities and to the extent required by the patient’s health condition, subject to the approval of the physician in charge of the treatment. may be required.
Right of Application, Complaint and Litigation
Patient and those related to the patient have the right to all kinds of applications, complaints and lawsuits within the framework of the legislation in case of violation of patient rights.
Private Istanbul Şafak Hospital
Patient Responsibilities
The patient abides by the following rules while receiving health care:
He acts in accordance with the rules and practices of the health institution and organization to which he applies, and acts with the awareness of being a part of the diagnosis and treatment team with a participatory approach.
Giving Information; Provides as complete and accurate information as possible about complaints, previous illnesses, treatments and medical interventions, current medications and health, if any.
He should come for control at the times determined by the physician and give feedback about the course of his treatment.
Conforms to appointment date and time and reports changes to the relevant place.
Respects the rights of patients, other patients and staff who are given priority according to the relevant legislation.
Does not behave verbally or physically attacking personnel.
The patient applies to the communication unit when he/she thinks that his/her rights have been violated or has problems.
Showing Respect; hospital staff, patients and their relatives should not be disturbed.
Inappropriate Request; Giving or applying a drug that is not considered appropriate by the patient’s doctor and is not included in the treatment plan, this Patients with suspected and diagnosed infectious diseases should not request discharge without the permission of the doctor.
Patient Visitors; Patient visits should be made in accordance with the rules determined by the hospital. Other patients and their relatives should not be disturbed. People who are sick are not accepted as visitors.
Payment Responsibility; The patient is responsible for paying all examination and treatment expenses. In addition, he is responsible for compensating the hospital’s fixtures and consumables in case of faulty use or deliberate damage.
You can send all of your Complaints and Suggestions at
[email protected] or by filling in the Suggestion and Complaint Forms in our hospital or to the Patient Rights Unit!
Patient Rights Unit: 0212 614 56 56