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The nose is one of the most interesting organs of the human body. Its main functions are;

  1. breathing

  2. to smell

  3. Filtering the air taken into the nose, holding the dust and particles, heating, humidifying and serving the lungs. Therefore, we do not recommend mouth breathing and mouth breathing can cause dry mouth, halitosis, chronic pharyngitis, tooth decay and gum diseases.

Women smell better than men due to estrogen hormones. Women’s sensitivity to smell increases much more at the time of ovulation (egg formation), that is, when estrogen levels are at their highest. Humans have the ability to distinguish 4,000 odors.

Edmond Rostand portrayed Cyrano de Bergerac as an ugly and big-nosed but good-hearted figure in his comedy. We all know the tale of Pinocchio, where Collodi’s nose grows as he lies.

An ugly-looking nose is a motif often used in literature and painting.

No organ has been used figuratively in daily speech like the nose: His nose is in the air, his nose has grown, he doesn’t get any hairs from his nose, he said no, it fell out of his nose, he sticks his nose everywhere, not being able to see the end of his nose…

As can be understood from the general meaning of the nose, sometimes in patients with mental complaints, the reflection of psychological disorders occurs in the nose and the patient thinks that there is a problem in his nose. It should be known that nasal surgery performed on a patient whose psychosis is not treated or unrecognized can cause very distressing problems for the patient and the surgeon.

When we consider all these carefully, we see that the nose has many functions and meanings. We need to examine patients who have a problem with such an important organ much more carefully before operating.

After a successful rhinoplasty, the patient gains self-confidence, his depressions improve, and he becomes happy.

The nose is an organ that draws attention in terms of aesthetic appearance. Traumatic or congenital nasal deformities always attract attention and most of the time, the person encounters hurtful, offensive or mocking behaviors from the environment. Therefore, only people with a very balanced character and mood can endure this psychological pressure. The desire to change the shape and form of the nose is much higher in terms of social acceptance, especially in people up to the age of 25 and whose social life has not yet fully settled. After this age limit is passed, the confidence and balance brought by professional and family life will keep the person away from the nose problem. If this psychological pressure still continues after this stage, then the person should try to seek a solution through surgery.

If the surgery decision is made correctly for the correction of a nose and the surgery is performed in accordance with the technical rules, the positive psychological effect of the result is the most effective of all aesthetic surgeries. After a successful nose surgery, the patient’s self-confidence comes and it is not surprising that this is the case. Because the nose is right in the middle of the face, it is impossible not to see

The aim of this surgical procedure, called rhinoplasty, is to correct the deformity of the nose. Problems such as bone curvature (deviation), turbinate hypertrophy and nasal valve stenosis that prevent comfortable breathing in the nose can be corrected in the same session in surgery. It can even be planned in the same session in surgery for chronic sinusitis. Of course, this operation will be possible if an ENT doctor is performing it. Since plastic surgeons do not have full control of the nose, it is more appropriate to perform this surgery by the ENT. Also, to mention the possibility of revision (a second operation, review) even in the best hands, and do not forget that the personal skill of the surgeon is a very, very important factor in this surgery. Let me tell you a secret;


Should this surgery be performed by an ear, nose, throat specialist or plastic surgeon? Nose aesthetic surgery is an operation of the facial aesthetics (Facial Plastic) branch. Otorhinolaryngology specialists make up 60% of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery members. An otolaryngologist is a head and neck surgeon. The only branch that has nose surgery in its basic education is ENT specialization.

Facial plastic surgery is rapidly spreading all over the world as a sub-branch of ENT specialty. An ENT specialist dealing with facial plastic surgery will ideally solve this question. However, you will still make the right decision about choosing your doctor.

In the meantime, there are definitely Plastic Surgeons who go into surgery with an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist and have excellent results on the outside. But we also see some surgeries around us that only the plastic surgery doctor performs, whose internal functions are neglected. .It’s like a car with a super hood but not driving :)

In the meantime, every ENT specialist may not be able to fully master the aesthetic part. Therefore, an ENT Specialist who has mastered the concept of aesthetic septorhinoplasty and functional septorhinoplasty, who does this job frequently, can do this surgery alone, ideally. Or a good plastic surgeon and ENT specialist can perform the surgery together. may also enter.


Before meeting with your doctor, it will be useful to identify all your problems with your nose. Determining whether you are breathing, runny nose, postnasal drip and headache will make it possible to solve these problems with this surgery. Be sure to discuss your nose shape problems and what can and cannot be fixed with your doctor. The possibility of your postoperative expectations will be expressed by your doctor. The way to get rid of post-operative disappointment is possible by making good use of this period. Behaving with your doctor in this surgery will relieve both you and your doctor. Collaboration will turn your entire surgery period into an enjoyable one. Different expectations will bring you face to face with your doctor at the very beginning of the road. While very large defects can be corrected with a simple surgical procedure for you, a very small detail can sometimes only be corrected with a difficult surgery. The perfect should be remembered as the enemy of the good.


The aim in rhinoplasty is to make a nose that is most suitable for your face and that can breathe comfortably. This surgical procedure will undoubtedly be performed with the existing fabric. In other words, the thickness of your skin, the thinness and form of the existing cartilages determine the success rate of your wound healing and previous nose surgeries. The goal is not to make a disinterested nose on your face. Therefore, making the most beautiful nose alone will not solve the problems. Making the most suitable nose for your face is considered the most successful result. While some parts of the nose are reduced, some parts are enlarged to provide a good looking nose on the face. It is important to keep the impression that the nostrils are not excessively visible, that the bony roof is not lost and that it has undergone surgery. In other words, rhinoplasty is an art.


Nose aesthetic surgeries are the most performed aesthetic surgeries in the world. The duration of the operation does not exceed 2-2.5 hours. However, in special cases, this period may be longer. Postoperative bruising and swelling are much less common than previous surgical techniques. You will wake up with a tampon that will stay in the nose for a day or a special silicone that will not prevent you from breathing, and a tiny plaster covering the outside of the nose. Post-surgery is usually not as painful as feared. This period will pass quite easily with simple painkillers. After a day, the nose will be emptied and your breathing will return to normal. It is recommended that you rest in a slightly elevated or sitting position in a place that is not too hot. After rhinoplasty, every person you meet will make different comments to you. This is related to the fact that tastes are different, as well as your old nose is not well known. Even the experts in this field can only comment on your nose by considering the old nose. It will be the most appropriate way to follow the changes related to your nose with your doctor over time.


1- The plaster on the nose will remain between 7-10 days. It should not get wet. Considering that this plaster will loosen with sweating, you should not be in extremely hot places.

2- You should brush your teeth very carefully for the first 10 days. You will need to be especially careful when brushing your front teeth. It is important that your brush is soft.

3- Avoid excessive physical activity after surgery.

4- Not taking a bath and not being in a steamy environment until the bandages on your nose are removed.

6- Not wearing a turtleneck sweater or tight-necked clothes for 20 days following the surgery.

7- Do not touch your face and nose hard for 3 weeks.

8- Avoid excessive sunlight for 6 weeks following the operation. Excessive heat will cause swelling in your nose.

9- After nose surgeries, there may be swelling under the eyes and on the face. Compared to the old surgical techniques, this situation is much less common. These swellings will go away in 1-2 weeks.

10- Do not take any medicine other than the medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Not using any kind of glasses for 12-16 weeks, using a light frame in the later period.

13- After opening your nose, clean the skin of the nose with liquid soap or special lotions. You can apply make-up after your bands are removed.

Private İstanbul Şafak Hospital

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